
25 d’abril del 2015


Us envio el breu testimoni de tres joves desplaçats. 
Durant el gener passat els rebels van atacar la seva regió (Jamam) i d'ençà que sobreviuen lluny de casa seva en un lloc anomenat Offra a 30km de Bunj.

A Offra, a banda de matolls i arbres mig secs, no hi ha res més. Nosaltres hem posat el nostre granet de sorra amb un Temporary Learning Space on més de 300 infants i joves s'hi apleguen cada dia. Fem el que podem perquè tinguin una ració de cereal al dia.
Els dissabtes hi anem amb joves de Bunj, com la Rubeca i el Jumu, per passar el matí junts aprenent, cantant i jugant. 

La inestabilitat segueix present a la regió. Fa uns dies li ha tocat a la capital d'Upper Nile, el nostre estat.
Ens seguim encomanant.

Molts records, bon cap de setmana i una abraçada forta!


My name is Lucia and I d
on’t know how old I am.
I was born in Goldwouk, a village in Jamam. I have 3 brothers and 5 sisters.
In January the soldie
rs attacked our village and killed some of our people. We run away for several days till we reached this place.
Life in Offra is tough, we don’t have what we need and we keep waiting NGOs to help us. We cannot go back home because the soldiers are there. The lack of food is the worst. I don’t have soap to clean myself up, either.
In future, I would like to study and become a teacher.
I know nothing about young people in Europe and I have no idea how they could help us.
I feel happy when I see people laughing and dancing. I like dancing.
I am also happy that we are independent but I regret there is still war in our country.

I am Baranaka and I am 15 years old.

I am from Banuir (Jamam) and I don’t have brothers and sisters because my mother died when I was very young.
When the conflict broke out in our place the soldiers looted our properties and took our
animals and crops. I escaped with my uncle.
I don’t know anything about young people in Europe. Please greet them and ask them if they can help us. We need food, soap, clothes, shoes, text books.
I feel happy when I come to the school and I am sad when people fight.
I would like to become a doctor to save people’s life.

I am Kurun
tus, 16 years old. I am from Ginkjila, south Jamam.
When the f
ighting started soldiers destroyed everything. Our elders could not escape and were killed. I don’t want to go back home. There is no peace. This place is very hot and there is no food, but I don’t want to go home anymore.
If I were a teacher I would help our children. Some of them come to the school only if there is food.
The rainy season is near. Do you have seeds to plant? If any NGO could come with seeds and tools we would ask for a piece of land to cultivate. We don’t know even if this place is good for growing crops...
I don’t know how young people live in Europe and if they could help us. Maybe they could send us text books so that we had something to read and learn. Do you have a pen?

14 d’abril del 2015


A Maban, la majoria dels joves són retornats. Persones com ells, ens ajuden a donar un cop de mà als infants desplaçats d'altres regions fent-los cantar, jugant i ensenyant-los l'abecedari.


My name is Jumu Abud and I am 17 years-old.

I was born in the border of Sudan and I went to the school in Kosti when I was 10. My father left home when I was 3 years-old and my mum died when I was 12. I arrived in Maban after the conflict broke out in South Sudan in December 2013. I would like to go to a good school, like Comboni School in Juba. Now I am in Primary 7th grade.


Why did you come to Maban?

When I was a child I lived in a very tough place. In the border of Sudan we had no school and violence was all around… My father was from the south, my mum was from the north and I was born in the middle. I felt that I had no country. What could I do? When I was 5 I told my mum to go to Khartoum. When she died, I came to Maban to live with my uncle, Father Luke.

What is you dream, Jumu?

I would like that people put hands together. Everything would be alright then. But first, they have to change their minds to live as brothers and build the peace in our country.

How is the youth in Maban?

Most of them just think of doing business and becoming important people. They do not mind about other people needs.

What do you know about young people in Europe? 
Not much, but I will go to Google and I will see. Unfortunately, my SIM card does not work… I guess they are living in a good way. Some of them may live like gentlemen or like important business people. But I think that some others may live like us…

What would you like to say to them?

I really would like to meet them, to sit and see them face to face and talk and become good friends.

I would also like to tell them that it is very important to come to South Sudan and help us. We are all brothers and we need good schools to become a good country, with people living in peace and loving their lives.

I would like us to become friends and that nothing could separate us. We are all equal, even if we are from the south and you are from Europe. Thank you for this interview. This is Jumu, your new friend from South Sudan.


My name is Rubeca Zachariah and I am 19 years-old.

I was born in Bunj but my family had to flee Maban very soon after my birth because of the war. I do not remember anything because I was very young. We lived in Sinjah (Sudan) till I was 14 years-old. Then we could come back home. I have 1 brother and 5 sisters. I am in Primary 5th grade now.

What is you dream, Rubeca?

In the future I would like to complete my education in a college in Juba and I would like to become a doctor to help the poor people.

What makes you feel happy?

In this moment of my life the most important thing is when we worship God in the Church. I can feel it is something very special. Another thing that makes me feel happy is the day when we will get our freedom and the war will be over.

What makes you feel unhappy?

I feel sad when some of my beloved ones die. My father passed away some months ago.
I don’t like sitting, remain doing nothing.

What do you know about young people in Europe?

I think they are living in a good way and I wish some of them would help us. Although we are poor, Maban is a very good place. Unfortunately, we are suffering a bad moment because of the conflict in the country.

What would you like to say to them?

I would like to get in touch with them, but I am worried because my English is not good and I can hardly read and write fluently. I send them greetings from Maban to all of them.

Àlvar Sánchez
Camps de refugiats de Maban

9 d’abril del 2015



Lleida, al Sud d’Europa:
En l'horitzó s'entreveu un nou clarejar, un nou despertar, un nou dia ple d'oportunitats, reptes i algun que altre mal de cap.
Així podríem resumir a grans trets el que esdevé un dia qualsevol en els països desenvolupats i amb tota probabilitat el contrari en els països del tercer món.
Tanqueu els ulls i obriu la porta de la imaginació, comença el viatge.
Maban, zona central del continent africà:
De sobte ens trobem fugint de casa nostra, deixant-ho tot enrere, intentant escapar de les bales que cada cop ressonen més a prop.
Ens dirigim cap al país veí, es diu que allí ens acolliran en un camp de refugiats i podrem viure sense pors, sense perills, esperant que s’acabi el conflicte per poder tornar a casa.
Una gran bola de foc impera en la catifa blava que s’estén sobre nosaltres, cada minut que passa notem més a prop la seva presencia al nostre clatell, deixant-nos cansats, famèlics i assedegats. Però una flama d’esperança crema dins nostre fent que no ens deixem anar.
Donem una primera ullada al nostre voltant, tot el que aconseguim visualitzar serà el nostre lloc, el nostre espai, en definitiva el nostre món durant un temps indeterminat.
El camí no serà fàcil, el camp com tot el que ens envolta no esta exempt del perill, les pluges inunden fins a l’últim racó, obligant a tancar carreteres i deixant-nos incomunicats, fent molt complicada l’arribada d’aliments, l’avió és l’únic mitjà de transport per fer-los arribar, el que implica unes restriccions contundents.
Per sort podem comptar amb l’ajuda de persones vingudes de fora, fan que tot sigui portable i treballen per a què la flama d’esperança que ens acompanya, acabi sent un foc que escalfi i avanci sol cap a un futur millor.
Ja podeu obrir els ulls, el viatge s’ha acabat.
Ha arribat el moment d’extreure conclusions i valorar sensacions.
Nosaltres ja ho hem fet i hem triat quin camí volem seguir. És el moment d'empatitzar amb els nostres homòlegs i reflexionar sobre com seria la vida si haguéssim nascut en un país que d'ençà que es va crear ha viscut immers en una guerra.
Aquestes i d'altres inquietuds son les que ens han fet tirar endavant el projecte que ens transportarà al cor de l'Àfrica.
Obrim les mans a la solidaritat, a posar el nostre granet de sorra conjuntament amb tots vosaltres.
Torneu a tancar els ulls, un nou repte ens espera.
Propera parada Bunj Town al Sud-Sudan, fem possible el que necessiten, fem possible una escola!!